Orange Tree Villas Homeowners Association

UPCOMING Board Meeting:

** An executive (closed) session will follow the open session. The executive session shall be a closed meeting pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute §33-1248/33-1804(A) 

2025 Board Meeting Schedule:


  • Last Monday in March, 03/31
  • 3rd Monday in May, 05/19
  • Last Monday in July, 07/28
  • Last Monday in September, 09/29
  • Last Monday in November, 11/24

Payment Information:

Mailing Payments:

Orange Tree Villas, P.O. Box 61208, Phoenix, AZ  85082

*Be sure to write your new HOA account # in the reference portion of your check.

Autopay from your Checking Account (aka “ACH”):  This is offered complimentary through 360 Community Management.  Complete the ACH form included in your welcome packet (or click here for form: Submit Online – Automatic Payment Authorization)

*Please note:  If you set-up the Auto-pay option online, this is done through a third party who will charge a service fee.  If you set this up through the management company’s office using the above ACH form, there is not a charge.

Credit Cards:  These are accepted online and is handled by a third party vendor.  This vendor will charge a fee for this service with the amount of fee disclosed prior to you submitting your payment.

Mailing General Correspondence

(including letters to the HOA, mailed-in work orders and Application for Design Review requests):

Orange Tree Villas

c/o 360 Community Management,

4130 E. Van Buren St., Suite 360,  Phoenix, AZ  85008

Helpful Links and Information:

City of Phoenix Bulk Trash Map and Schedule (click for map)

City of Phoenix Helpful Information Regarding Bulk Trash (click for link)

City Services Interactive Map:  (click for link)

Once in the map, click on the “Click and View” box towards the top of the map, then click on your chosen map location to set your City Services search location and then click the specific city service type that you are looking for on the right hand side.

Events and Things to do in Phoenix (click for link)

Many of you have inquired as to a pest control program for your back yards.  BlueSky has offered the following process and pricing to Orange Tree Villas homeowners: 

To request service, please follow these instructions:

  1. Send Blue Sky Pest Control an email to
    1. They can also be reached by phone at 480-635-8492, ext. 3
  1. In order to get it routed properly, please include the subject line: Account 118874 – Orange Tree Villas – Resident Service
  2. In the body of the email please include your name, unit number, email, phone number, and problem pest so Blue Sky can create an account on your behalf.
  3. We will be on site for service every month on the second Saturday each month (“odd” months for Pest Control and “even” months for rodent bait stations). If possible, please have requests emailed no later than a week prior to service.
  4. The service charge will be $35 to treat private areas of your units for general pests and we can add two exterior rat stations for an additional $10. These rates will be provided to residents who receive service on the same day as the regularly scheduled day of service.
  5. A credit card saved on file will be required for payment.

Log-in to Access Owner Information to:

  • Make Payments
  • View Unit Account Payment History
  • View Unit Documents


Community Emails

Community Documents:

These documents are available to owners once they log-in

Community FORMS: